Themed corporate gifting refers to corporate gifts, material or experiences, that directly relate to a particular theme or event – in this article we’ll be looking at corporate gifts themed around public holidays. Creating a theme for your corporate gifts is effective because this makes the gifts more unique and relevant to the wants and needs of the customer/employee.
Public holidays are perfect opportunities to theme your corporate gifts, as they are celebrated by everyone. This allows for the gifts to be more relevant to the customer/employee at the time, making it a more effective gift. An effective gift leads to a greater impact which is positive for the brand.
It is important however, to choose which public holidays you decide to theme your gifts around carefully. This is because some public holidays are religious based. Corporate gifts that symbolize or represent a religion different to their own, may offend the customer/employee. Because religion and beliefs can play such a vital role in people’s lives, to offend a customer/employee in terms of their religion would negatively impact the brand and possibly cause the company to lose that customer/employee.
The next public holiday in South Africa is Human Rights Day. Human rights day is a great public holiday to theme your corporate gifts around as it commemorates such an important day in South African history. Human Rights Day is a national day that is celebrated annually, on 21 March to remind South Africans about the sacrifices that accompanied the struggle for the attainment of democracy in South Africa.
When South Africa held its first democratic election in 1994, the newly elected president, Nelson Mandela, declared the 21st of March as Human Rights Day. The Sharpeville Massacre is a tragedy that marked a turning point for the future of South Africa. The 21st of March is a reminder for South Africans to rise in unison to proclaim their human rights continuously.
As South Africans, we place emphasis on this day and celebrate it in forms of concerts, art displays and performances, youth workshops and other activities. All to promote tolerance and understanding among the diverse people, cultures, faiths, beliefs and religions.
Start planning early with your Corporate Gift supplier; they will have their finger on the pulse of what is hot and what is not this gifting season.